Zero Club by the Department of Mathematics
Mathematics permeates all spheres of life so much so that we can say that it is an important and integral part of life of every individual. Each one of us require the basic knowledge and skills in Mathematics to carry out daily activities. We, Facilitators of Mathematics at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School, felt that it is our responsibility to instill these skills into the young minds of students of this school. Students of Grades I to XII are all members of the Zero Club.
The Zero Club was founded with the objective of :
To help students develop positive attitude towards Mathematics so that they enjoy to appreciate the power and beauty of Mathematics.
To enable students become confident in using mathematics to analyze and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations.
To enable students hone their skills in critical, logical and abstract thinking.
To motivate students to pursue their mathematics education to the highest limits of their natural abilities.
Key Function
To accomplish its objectives, Zero Club undertakes the following activities:
Non – Routine Mathematical Problems / Riddles / Puzzles, appropriate to the level, are put up every week on the Flexi boards in the corridors of various blocks and the names of the students giving correct responses are announced the following week.
Quiz competition and other competitions are conducted.
Mathematics Day, Pi Day and other days related to the field of Mathematics are enthusiastically celebrated by students.
Facilitators of the Zero Club activities

New strategies

Weekly Quiz

Weekly Riddles

Model Making Exhibition

Celebrating days of the year that are mathematically significant.