Creazione – The Virtual Talent Expo
Creazione - The Virtual Talent Expo
Event Details
Shuffle to Our Tunes
Topic: Foot Shuffle Dance Competition (Dance)
All the participants are required to create different foot shuffle dance step variations to the selected tunes and send it as an entry for the challenge
Rules and Regulations
The video must be an unedited entry, without manipulation or tampering that is of good quality for evaluation by judges.
Videos with immodest outfit or dance moves if any shall not be considered as a valid entry for the contest
The timing of the tune will extend upto 1 minute
Ll videos must be taken with a neat backdrop and full view of of self is mandatory
General Guidelines
Once registration is completed, you will receive the music file as an .mp3 through the e-mail IDs that have been submitted. Please download the file on your phone.
We request you to visit Google play store on your mobile phone/tab, and download the app -“MX Player”
Now, proceed to MX player and in the ‘downloads’ section open the audio file sent by us.
Simultaneously, proceed to camera whilst the audio is playing , and record the video.
The video, unadulterated, must be sent to the following e-mail ID: (insert email id) to be considered an entry
Judgement Criteria
Rhythm Sense
Innovation in Steps
Flexibility & Adaptability
Neatness of Attire
Body Language
Call of the Tunes
Topic: Karaoke Singing
Explore, nurture, showcase and bring out the best of music from within through karaoke singing. Sing your heart out!
Rules and Regulations
Students must select a song of their liking, which they wish to sing.
They must then sing and record the song with the karaoke of the song
They must then mail this recording in the form of an .mp3 to (insert gmail)
General Guidelines
The songs selected can only be in the languages- hindi, tamil and English
The lyrics of these songs must not contain any vulgar words or or any inappropriate language
The recording should be mailed without being subject to any editing or tampering.
Judgement Criteria
Pitch Stability
Rhythm Adaptability
Vocal Dynamics
Vocal Expressions
Show Stoppers
Topic: Imagine and Articulate Neighbour to Neighbour Interaction
The suggested theatrical activities are: Monologue or Stand Up Comedy or Mime
Rules and Regulations
All participants are required to share their script with SriDevi Ma’am for approval before their performance to her email (insert email)
Students must send their final copy of their performance video to this gmail account
General Guidelines
Students may use any recording applications or a recording of a Zoom meeting of their performance.
The monologue and stand up comedy can be for a maximum duration of 2 minutes
The mime can be for a maximum duration of 4 minutes
Any required editing will have to be done by the participant before submission
Sound effects and background music is permitted (No movie music is permitted)
They must then mail this recording in the form of an .mp4 to (insert gmail)
Judgement Criteria
Selection of topic/theme
Connection to prior knowledge
Innovative ideas
Usage of resources
Organizational structure
The Council
Rules and Regulations
The topic for the council session will be announced after registration.
Council Members are free to collaborate with one another in preparation for the session.
There will be no former winner, but the ‘Overseer’, or the judge, will vote along with the Members for the side they deem more convincing.
The participants will receive a google meet link one day prior to the session to their registered email ids
There will be a pre-session to clarify any doubts the participants may have regarding procedure during the Council Session
General Guidelines
The Council is a derivation of an actual jury situation
The Council Members will be presented with “cases”, and each Member will explore the moral, ethical, political, legal and economic entailments of the given “case”.
They will then present their viewpoints during the Case Session. The Members will then break into “For” and “Against” groups and further discuss with other Members. Finally, there will be further debate with speakers from each side trying to persuade the other.
At the end of the Case Session, the Members will vote For or Against the “case”. Once the vote is decided, the Council will move on to the next “case”.
Judgement Criteria
World Building
Topic: Creation of a universe
World building essentially means constructing a fantasy universe of one’s own, much like the lore and myth created by writers like Anandh Neelkanth, Amish Tripathi, George RR Martin or JRR Tolkien. Students must think up their own creations, from elven hunters to fiery dragons, and place them in a story of their own construction.
Rules and Regulations
Participants may participate individually or in teams of upto 4
The participants’ creation may be submitted as a presentation, a written manuscript, or any other medium they feel would be able to effectively convey their ideas to this email id (insert mail id)
General Guidelines
Participants will be sent an email with a form to fill out on whether they will be participating in a team, and if so the team’s details.
Participants may first register directly in the registration form. There will also be a preliminary session conducted to aid the participants in understanding the intricacies of ‘World Building’ and to clear any doubts.
All session details and google meet links will be sent via email after registration.
Judgement Criteria
Relatability and quality of their constructed lore
The languages which exist in their world
The topography of their world
The demographics of their world’s population
General Rules and Guidelines
Each student is allowed to participate in a maximum of two events
Students are requested to include their Name, Class & Section and Stream while submitting their files
Adhere to the given time duration/topic/genre for the events
Decent costume, appropriate makeup and clear backdrop is mandatory
Any clarification or doubts can be sent to the respective events mail ids
Judges decision will be final. Disparage of the judgement is not encouraged.
The deadlines for each event will be shared to your email id after your registration is complete
Award and Appreciation
The winning participants will receive an e-certificate of appreciation
The video performances of the winners will be posted on social media
The names of winning participants will be added to the winners section on the site
All participants will receive an e-certificate of participation