"Education to Inspire Excellence"
Omega means the Ultimate. The symbol “” is depicted in our school emblem. We aspire to provide children with the best education possible.
The olive branches symbolise universal peace and integration of all humanity.
The path leading from darkness to light is symbolic of the education process. The goal of human life is “Union with the Ultimate”.

"Omega strives to produce youngsters who are balanced - with soul, mind and body working in unison, with the soul guiding the mind in its activities and the body acting under the guidance of the mind."
The school believes in the following basic philosophies for its running:
We believe that the goal of education must be to help children discover their inner learning potential and driving passion, and to assist and mentor them on the path to realising it.
The school has at the base of its education methodology a Value Based Spiritual Education Program (VBSE) and a Life Skills Activities (LSA) Program that, together strive to teach children the core values and skills that they need to go into the world as grounded and balanced individuals.
The school does not discriminate on caste, creed, religion, etc. Children are accepted based on their willingness to learn and make something of themselves. As a result, we are a truly international school, with children from all sorts of backgrounds.
The school is inclusive in nature, and takes in children with differential learning abilities (such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia) and strives to normalize them to the extent possible within the school environment, through the Davis Learning Strategy. We are the only school in South Asia to successfully implement this renowned international methodology.
The school endeavours to give children a well-rounded education that will stand them in good stead through their lives. This it does through the addition of co and extra-curricular programs that serve to round off the curriculum that the student chooses.