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We aim to build and nurture a family of compassionate world citizens who are independent and committed to living with responsibility, who believe in life-long learning and sharing.

Experiencing Life and awareness of Consequences

We aim to equip every child with the skills to learn independently and develop a well-rounded personality that supports successful integration into society.

Why Choose Special Education Program in LMOIS?

*Best internationally acclaimed Davis© Methodology offered at nominal cost in a nurturing learning environment by licensed facilitators.
We offer 21st Century Skills through Inquiry-Based Learning

Explore, Investigate, Identify and Report

• Collaborate
• Compute
• Communicate

Make Choices and Construct Learning

• Independent, Self- directed learning
• Creative problem solving

Experiencing Life and awareness of Consequences

• Real life observations
• Critical thinking
• Analyzing Cause & Effect relationship

Special Features

• Experiential Learning helps our learners to connect with the real world
• Nurturing Learning Environment without boundaries where every moment, every experience transforms into learning.
• Growth Mindset motivates Indigo Learners to “Embrace Challenges and Face failures without fear”
• Our students focus on the process and not the outcome. They are inspired by the success of others.
• They take pride in investigating their mistakes with a desire to correct them.



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“Every Student Can Learn,
just not on the same day,
or the same way.”

– George Evans