The TED Ed Club is designed to support students in discovering, exploring and presenting their big ideas in the form of short TED style talks, under the supervision of the TED Ed Club Facilitator and the Club Leader.
Along the way, Club Members will become experts in:
Identifying the elements of a great idea
Researching, developing and presenting an idea
Creating visuals to tell a compelling story
Using best practices for camera, lighting and sound.
By the end of the Club cycle, each Club Member will have a filmed TED-Ed Club talk, and may be featured on TED-Ed social media outlets,, the TED-Ed Clubs YouTube channel, or possibly even the TED stage!
TED Ed aims :
To stimulate and celebrate the creative ideas of students everywhere
To connect students from different backgrounds, cultures and countries around the world
To provide an online platform dedicated to celebrating student ideas
To support students in developing presentation and public speaking skills, so that their ideas can be more easily seen, understood and shared
To make an idea — developed and presented by a student — a valuable reference point in a resume, college application or job interview
To work with a generation of problem solvers, critical thinkers and innovators to make the world a better place.
With the launch of the TED Ed Club at Omega in June 2018, we now have over 60 students as members, and growing rapidly! The Club Leader is Praveen T. of Grade XI and the Club Facilitator is Dr.S.Bhavanishankar, Senior Principal of Omega International School.
The Club was officially inaugurated at Omega International School on 27th June 2018 via a video conference from their headquarters in New York.