“Educating the mind, without educating the heart is no education at all.” Aristotle
At Omega International School we believe that it is vital to provide holistic development to students by inculcating essential human values that would make them responsible global citizens ready to surge ahead with confidence. In this ever changing and highly competitive world where getting the highest grades, landing the perfect high-paying job and buying the most expensive assets have become a priority, we seem to have forgotten the real purpose of our human existence. Education in Value Based Spiritual Education (VBSE) brings the focus back on what it is to be truly human. The subject of VBSE is introduced to all Omega students as a Co-curricular program and is seamlessly weaved into their Day Order.
Values cannot be simply taught in a classroom, but need to be modeled and imbibed so that they become part of the character of the individual. Our curriculum promotes a learning environment where values are absorbed progressively and through a variety of activities structured according to the relevance and age of the students. This methodology of learning is based on experiences, action and reflection through activities such as group discussions, dialogues, simulation and role – play, guest lectures, field visits and video conferences. This helps develop students’ capacity to become self-directed and independent learners, imbued with the necessary skills to make the right decisions.
Myriad activities conducted both inside and outside the classrooms, help students to foster the right blend of moral and ethical values, thus turning them into balanced and responsible young citizens who function with integrity and love.
Omega International School has founded its VBSE program on the Core Human Value outlined by UNESCO in their 2002 Sourcebook “Learning to Be – a Holistic and Integrated Approach to Values Education for Human Development”.
These are the “Navaratnas”, the nine gems of the VBSE program:
Love and Compassion
Self-Awareness & Self-Management
Peace and Justice
Sensitivity and Creativity
Truth and Wisdom
Environmental Morality
Health and Nutrition
Keeping these core values in mind, students learn that change begins in them, in their thoughts, in their words and in their actions. They are encouraged to aspire for more without looking for rewards and focus on how best they can contribute to building a better world.
The VBSE curriculum for students is built on the foundation of the “Navaratnas”, with each value being in focus every month. Topics and chapters are chosen age-appropriately for students of Grades I to XII
What constitutes each ratna?
Open-heartedness leads naturally to kindness, caring, sharing, generosity, and selflessness
Developing empathy and understanding for others, including those who are different from us
Building brotherhood and friendliness across all personal and cultural divides
Tolerance: removing judgment, stereotypes and prejudice.
Who am I? Developing self-awareness and self-acceptance.
Accepting what happens, meeting challenges and making the best of all experiences
Setting goals
Self-effort: managing my time and resources, following through, patience and perseverance, self-discipline and being responsible
Understanding and managing my feelings, emotions and reactions
Managing and improving my relationships.
Peace comes with acceptance, trust and respect, for me and others
Fulfilling needs instead of wants contributes to peace and justice
Justice is a human concept. Justice for one is sometimes injustice for another – absolute justice does not exist
Removing prejudice and judgement contributes to peace and justice.
Sensitivity is being aware and alert to what is happening
Sensitivity allows us to make wise choices and shows us when to correct our course
Sensitivity develops by forgetting ourselves and thinking of others
Observing Nature inspires sensitivity and creativity
Creativity is natural. The same creative principle exists throughout the universe
Creativity comes from the heart. It is a natural expression of the Divine within
We are all creative, and can be creative in all areas of our lives. Creativity evolves, bringing change.
Spirituality is the journey home. We are souls having a human experience. During the journey we become simpler and lighter
Spirituality brings inner happiness, joy and love. It also allows us to accept suffering as a natural part of growth
The heart is the true source of guidance and wisdom
Spirituality revives a natural sense of wonder, and removes the limitations of the ego
Spirituality brings trust, faith, and gratitude for all we receive in this life.
Truth is simple. It is natural to tell the truth. Lying is a behavior that we learn
There are no such things as small lies and big lies. A lie is a lie
Tell the truth without hurting the feelings of others
Truth transcends background, education and culture
Telling the truth is its own reward. The reward is in what you become, not in what you get
Truth and wisdom let us see things for what they are, including ourselves
Wisdom is knowing how to use intelligence, giving importance to those things that really matter, and making choices accordingly.
Human beings are naturally social, interconnected and interdependent, and this is the basis of citizenship
It is our natural duty to help and support our fellow beings
Relationships, roles, rights, responsibilities and rules (the 5 R’s) describe citizenship in communities
Unity and diversity exist in Nature. Let’s honour and appreciate the different qualities, skills, roles and responsibilities that everyone brings as citizens, and at the same time accept the underlying oneness of us all.
To be simple and in harmony with Nature
To develop a deep knowing that we are one with Nature and interrelated with all things
To be aware of the disturbances we have created in Nature as a result of seeing ourselves as separate
To learn ways to reduce the disturbances we cause in Nature
To understand that as we change and become more loving, understanding, sharing and caring, the natural balance is restored
To learn to live with less: re-think, refuse, reduce, re-use and recycle (the 5 R’s).
Be simple and in harmony with Nature
‘A healthy mind is a healthy body’ – our thoughts affect our wellbeing
Be thankful for all that we receive
Food is energy. The lighter the vibration of the food, the lighter the effect on us
Living from the heart brings a healthy approach to life.
Students are encouraged to express their views and opinions through a myriad of activities. It motivates them to exhibit team spirit, acceptance, solving real life problems and be supportive of their peers. Various initiatives are scheduled through the year in collaboration with other departments – Department of Fine Arts & Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science, Humanities and the Department of Life Skills Activities to share knowledge, better understanding for holistic development and sense of oneness.
Love and Compassion Appreciation Day

During Kindness Week students were involved in the preparation and service of food.
Through this activity students learn to be grateful and also learn the components in organizing an event.
Connecting Peace and Justice Worldwide

To spread the message of peace & harmony, students exchanged Peace Cranes with children from across the world of the same age group.
This exercise helped in connecting thoughts and hearts.
Environmental Morality

Students learn about the various facets of Environmental Morality as employed within the campus.
Students learn about the features of drip irrigation as an efficient method of watering plants while exploring the effective ways of using solar energy and reusing waste generated. Students were inspired to carry out these best practices to their homes.


Students undertake nature walks within the campus to observe Mother Nature including the identification of a variety of plants,
medicinal shrubs along with the thriving population of flora and fauna.
Additionally, students are introduced to our green campus and our initiatives towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
i.e., Sewage & Effluent Treatment Plants, Paper & Waste Recycle Plant, solar power panels and more.
This exercise instills environmental morality and responsibility among students. They are also motivated to take up and support eco-friendly projects.
Citizenship Awareness Campaign

Students of Classes IX to XI take up tree plantation initiatives at various Government Schools. Additionally,
they conduct awareness programs on topics including the dangers of Dengue and a campaign to save the turtles.
During the school exhibition on Climate Change students organize various activities that exhibit their social responsibility.
Abstract to Concrete

Students who are part of the Special Education program visit an Old Age Home and interact with their residents.
Students perform skits on ‘Harishchandra’ at NGO ‘Sevalaya- an orphanage’.
These visits motivates students to invest their time in social causes and the Performing Arts activities also provides them with the ability to conceptualise abstract concepts, i.e.,values like truth & wisdom.
Culture Day

To celebrate the rich cultural heritage of India, its tradition, food & clothing, students dress up and host exhibitions to share their knowledge with Juniors.
Similarly students explore international food & culture and host a cooking competition with the focus on International cuisines.
Important days such as the French Independence Day and more are also celebrated with great enthusiasm.
Collaboration with an Ukrainian School

As part of their ‘India Day’ celebrations at ‘Intellect’ school, Ukraine, the Heartfulness Institute in Ukraine organized an interaction via video conference with Omega students. The event was presided by the Indian Ambassador to Ukraine, Mr. Manoj Kumar Bharati. Students engaged in a discussion about the tradition, culture, values & educational system of both countries.
Connect With Respect

The workshop is based on the principles and skills of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) – a process developed by Marshall Rosenberg.
Ms. Liz Kingsnorth a qualified International Trainer is involved with Omega students. The skills are relevant and applicable to any situation, whether at school or in personal life, and will enable in effective interaction with family and friends.
Saving for Sharing

A Government school in Thiruttani sent us 1000 clay money pots to encourage the practice of saving money. Young Omega students saved money in their respective clay pots over a period of time. The entire money saved up by all students was collectively used to procure educational and sports equipment, stationery and books for the Government School.
Students of middle & high school helped in counting the money from the many clay pots and organized the visit to the school. The exercise, apart from achieving its objective, helped students discover the many interesting facets of currencies and coins, the year it was minted, etc.